I was born in 1982 and grew up in the canton of Aargau and later in Zurich. After graduating from high school, I lived in Australia for a total of
four years. I returned to Switzerland at the end of 2007, where I obtained a Bachelor of Arts in English and History at the University of Bern. I then began my studies in Applied Linguistics at
the ZHAW Winterthur, receiving my Master of Arts in Professional Translation in 2015. Since then, I have been working as a freelance translator and editor.
My favourite way to lose track of time is by reading a good book – be it fiction, fantasy, science fiction or crime. Culture is just as important to
me. I love going to concerts, like catching a film at the cinema and enjoy going to museums to see exciting exhibitions. I find a sporty balance to my working life through jogging, swimming or
bouldering. I can also switch off well in nature. I enjoy gardening, going for bike rides or taking hikes. And I live out my creative side, for example, by supporting the decoration team at the
Winterthurer Musikfestwochen.
03/2024 Language Technology / Pre- and Post-Editing of Machine Translations, ZHAW Winterthur
02/2014-09/2015 Master of Arts Professional Translation, ZHAW Winterthur
09/2009-12/2013 Bachelor of Arts in English, Universität Bern
12/2007 Cambridge Certificate of Proficiency,
08/1998-06/2002 Academic High School Arts, Kantonsschule Stadelhofen Zurich
German: native
English: native-speaker level, oral and written
French: level B2 oral, level C1 written
Italian: level B1, oral and
Experience (Selection)
seit 02/2023 Mandate BSI AG, Baden – Translation GER-ENG
seit 04/2021 Mandate Scewo AG, Winterthur – Translation GER-ENG, Revision GER/ENG
seit 04/2021 Mandate ZIS, Zurich – Translation GER-ENG/ENG-GER, Revision/Post-Editing GER
01-03/2020 Social Media and the Armed Forces (Moelecke et al. (Hg.), Springer 2020) – Revision ENG
04/2017 Master paper "Marketing in the Pop Music Industry" – Revision GER
01/2017-08/2020 Mandate alert AG, Zurich – Revision/Quality assurance GER/ENG
12/2016-12/2018 Mandate HL TradSuisse, Geneva – Translation GER-ENG
10/2016 Master paper "Synth and Electro Pop – Electronic Pop Culture" – Translation GER-ENG
08/2016 Paper on the Psychologising of the Classroom – Translation GER-ENG,Revision GER/ENG
07/2016 Paper on Globalisation in Developing Countries – Translation GER-ENG
06/2016-12/2018 QoQa SA, Lausanne – Translation FRE-GER
02/2016 Orell Füssli Thalia AG, Zurich - Bookseller